Friday – Clinical Track 1A Survey

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Please evaluate the speakers

Topic and Speaker(s)
How botulinum toxin can restore a facial expression after facial palsy
Daniel Labbé, MD (France)
Dose, duration, onset of action, and patient satisfaction: Are all botulinum toxins created equal?
Patricia Ogilvie, MD (Germany)
Reversing muscle weakness caused by botulinum neurotoxin in the glabellar region: A proof-of-concept study
Steve Yoelin, MD (United States)
Neuromodulators from around the world: What’s here and what’s to come
Nowell Solish, MD (Canada)
How botulinum toxin can restore a facial expression after facial palsy
Daniel Labbé, MD (France)
Dose, duration, onset of action, and patient satisfaction: Are all botulinum toxins created equal?
Patricia Ogilvie, MD (Germany)
Reversing muscle weakness caused by botulinum neurotoxin in the glabellar region: A proof-of-concept study
Steve Yoelin, MD (United States)
Neuromodulators from around the world: What’s here and what’s to come
Nowell Solish, MD (Canada)
How botulinum toxin can restore a facial expression after facial palsy
Daniel Labbé, MD (France)
Dose, duration, onset of action, and patient satisfaction: Are all botulinum toxins created equal?
Patricia Ogilvie, MD (Germany)
Reversing muscle weakness caused by botulinum neurotoxin in the glabellar region: A proof-of-concept study
Steve Yoelin, MD (United States)
Neuromodulators from around the world: What’s here and what’s to come
Nowell Solish, MD (Canada)
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Ability to evaluate the latest clinical and scientific research into botulinum neurotoxins
Understanding of the clinical utility of botulinum neurotoxins
Understanding of potential new therapeutic applications of botulinum neurotoxins
Biomedical knowledge of botulinum and other neurotoxins and their application in enhancing therapeutics and improving care